No one in Kentucky stocks and sells more Veto Bags than we do.
Stop in today and see our selection of professional tool bags by Veto Pro Pac.

Veto Pro Pac – Designed by a Tradesman for Tradesmen
Veto Pro Pac – Designed by a Tradesman for Tradesmen
Veto Pro Pac RB-MC Range Bag
Veto Pro Pac TP3B
The Veto DR-LC is a compact gate mouth style bag with a padded adjustable panel system to secure chargers and batteries for cordless power tools. Or take the system out and use as a “Go To” tool bag.
With 4 available storage compartments, the CP4 “Grubber” ™ conveniently holds a variety of small do dads like: small tools, zip ties, pocket knives, key chains, pens and pencils, power cords, etc.
Veto Tech Pac LT
Veto Pro Pac MC Bag