Diagnostics, Control, & Setup for Variable Speed Motors

Varible Speed Zebra
Many Techs have some confusion about ECM Motors and Systems – and no wonder – with as many as 21 wires going to these new motors, you can’t just use a voltmeter anymore for proper diagnosis.
“The prior generation of tools can help, but fall far short of giving the Tech complete information on why a system isn’t operating correctly.”
The VZ-7 is a microprocessor-controlled diagnostic tool that performs sophisticated testing with only 4 switches. With it, a Tech will be able to:
- Visually monitor signal calls from the furnace/air handler circuit boards.
- Interrupt those signals and send the motor any signals you desire, to observe motor operation.
- Get a visual display of motor RPM and the calculated CFM (on most systems).
- Get a visual readout of all 4 system “taps”. These selections help set up a system correctly.
- Get a direct readout of the control voltage in the motor (low voltage here causes erratic operation).
- And finally, IF a problem is traced to the motor, one switch press starts an automatic analysis to clearly indicate if the problem is in the motor’s electronics, or one of 7 possible winding problems.
Two DVDs are included; one that teaches Variable Speed System Theory, the second instructs the Tech how to use the VZ-7 to troubleshoot these systems.
- Microprocessor Controlled, but Easy-to-Use; only 4 switches.
- Rugged Case with Carry Handle and Lead Storage Compartment.
- Quick-reference Card bonded to inside lid of case.
- 2 Instructional DVDs Included, plus an Owner’s Manual.
Limited time offer only $259.00